Saturday, April 27, 2013

Grizedale Forest

First time in ages that mistress has let me near the computer.  We have been walking but haven't had the camera. 
Today though we went to Grizedale Forest to drop young master off for his practise expedition for the Duke of Edinburgh bronze award & mistress decided we should go off for a walk of our own.  Flask & sandwiches packed we set off.  Now mistress did have a map but decided we'd go up Carron Crag which was way marked from the Visitor Centre.  Red post marks.  So why did she start following the green ones after we left the summit?  We walked much further than she had planned but I didn't mind apart from having to follow the road for a little way. 
Mistress didn't refer to the map once I think she said she knew the area quite well from her teenage years.  I think she's forgotten some bits.

  There are lots of wood sculptures & things in Grizedale Forest some are a bit strange.

I did share her disappointment that the pub in Satterthwaite village wasn't open when we went past, I could have helped drink her pint!  Had we waited 10  minutes it would have been open!
We had our sandwiches back at the car where upon I decided to jump in & out of the car until the dog guard fell down. Then I knocked my water bowl over.  I like to keep moving!
We drove back through the Rusland valley for mistress to reminisce back to her youth.  She spotted a for sale sign pointing up the road to Crosslands Farm where she stayed with her Mum & Dad in their caravan several times a year.  We never saw the house for sale but mistress spent 15 minutes chatting to the man who used to own the farm & talking about old times.  How on earth did she know who he was?  He didn't remember her but did remember her parents!

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